What Are You Reading For National Reading Month?


This month is #NationalReadingMonth! Our team is full of big readers, so we thought we’d share some of the books we have found entertaining and useful:

Sarah: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 

I love this book because the things you learn apply to your professional and personal life. I've read this book multiple times and I feel like I learn something new every time. My mom gave me her copy and it's been so cool to see the notes she's made and the takeaways she has had.

Patricia: Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg 

I just finished this book and thought it was really interesting. A lot of short, informative case studies and anecdotes that details how organization change can create habits and how you can apply to your personal life. Overall a very quick, thought provoking and entertaining book. It made me reflect on what habits I’ve gotten to stick and where I can improve upon others.

Jeremy: Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman 

Yes, totally applicable for nonprofits!  Dials in on goal setting and simplification of operations to achieve them.

Megan: The 5 Hour School Week by Aaron & Kaleena Amuchastegui

This book was one of the books that inspired me to research learning on the road, which led to us buying a camper and traveling for months at a time. Children are always learning, even when they're not at school.

Chris: Tough As They Come by Travis Mills. 

This is an autobiography about a service member who is one of only a handful of quadruple amputees to make it out of the war alive. He talks about his life before being blown up, and life after. The struggles that came with, and how he overcame them. Very inspirational.

Reading a book that you think is inspirational? Let us know in the comments!